Monday, April 30, 2007

Hua Ying in 50 Years!!

Hua YingZ (22 yrs old) posing with unknown gundik, who was drinking heavily.
Can't show you his face, or not will "sia suey" her...

LaoZhaBor (50+ yrs old) posing in front of camera with her fling.
Quote: "can't show you his face or you'll get jealous!!

Verdict: The EliteTeam is not too sure if HuaYingz will be as hip and as "in" as the Real LaoZhaBor in 50 years time. In these 2 photos, they are both equally talented in acting cute, but LaoZhaBor is way sexier... Buck up HuaYingz!! We support you. =) Dzienkuje...

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