Thursday, June 26, 2008

Money Matters

Pak Lah says "Ubah cara hidup". Sounds familiar?? I had no idea that I was financially challenged, until I finally noticed that my bank account remains the same month after month... I never seem to have any savings!! So in the month of May, I decided to note down every single detail of my expenditure to keep track of my spending. I was shocked!!
Here's how a pharmacist (PRP) in Perlis typically spends his money. Do not that May was a normal month for me, and I only spent one weekend away from here, that is balik kampung to Sitiawan.
Food = RM 490.60
Fruits = RM 58
rental = RM 200
car Installment = RM 640
Insurance = RM 280
Family commitments = RM 780
Entertainment/ Recreation = RM 155
Car service = RM 105
Petrol = RM 155
N-S Highway Toll = RM 44.00
handphone reload = RM 100
Micellaneous = RM 125
GRAND TOTAL = RM 3102.30
With a gaji of RM 3300, my savings is barely RM 200. I am so not well prepared to retire at 56 years old. That's why I pilih 58!! Must start saving!! This is another reason why I need to transfer out. =)
That how I spend in Perlis. I cant imagine how I would fare in KL or Penang where entertainemnet is abundant. I din even go for a holiday! Hey What about you? Any tips for saving up?? Times are hard, so let's share the knowledge around!

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